with a little luck

Saturday, April 21, 2007

jetting around europe


Brings back great memories...

Spending the night in Istanbul on the airport floor
Expensive and long trains between London airports
Multiple airports per city and being confused
Luggage exploded in Ciampino
Lost on the way to Rome from the airport--so far away
Learning to use the free buses in Basel to get to the airport...a city we only went to b/c it was a cheap way to get out of Istanbul
Arguing with RyanAir over carrying on luggage
Ridiculous oversized luggage rules for backpacks
Obnoxious flight attendant uniforms
Being euphorically happy at the free food on Olympic Air
Airlines with no electronic boarding passes
Airports where the check in counter is only open for a defined and stressful period of time
Numerous airport checkpoints and rented counter space

A ridiculous but beautifully cheap network of flights to random places....good times

Friday, April 13, 2007


Everything was very bright yesterday. The area behind the Union, the deep shaded green area, the one with the circular paths and the low hanging leafy trees glowed. I only mention it because it was really striking and reminded me of the beauty of our campus. Spring is just a wonderful time to be in Texas. The fall may be breathtaking in New Hampshire and winter a clear crisp white in Colorado but Texas has the spring. At least Austin anyways. Just tell me another state with bluebonnets.

Somehow despite all of this cheerfulness on campus—I mean, we even have a cupcake stand now—I don’t feel cheerful at all. Overwhelmed and weighed down is probably more appropriate. The next three weeks are the last of my college career. That’s just so final sounding and they’re just so filled with the most inconceivable amount of organizational responsibilities, tests, papers and thesis writing.

If I hear another person to tell me not to worry, there’s nothing to be stressed about I will scream. Or my favorite, you-have-a-job-and-a-future-so-why-should-you-feel-like-that. I mean honestly, that’s just not the point. The point is that everything that I have loved for four years is ending. I have a job but that comes with scary things like rent and bills and public transportation. It means not waking up at 10, walking through the West Mall, studying all afternoon reading about theory in the so called real world and then going to happy hour before staying up all night writing a paper. And then there’s the fact that I don’t know what I really want to do or what makes me happy, that I reevaluate my life goals every 10 minutes and find passion in so many things, none of which what I’ll be doing next year. That’s scary has hell. So I’m sorry if I’ve been obnoxious. I’m sorry if I’ve snapped. And I’m sorry that I can’t be a better friend or daughter to everybody that I’ve annoyed in the past month. I just don’t think anything is going to change for the next three weeks.

Kurt Vonnegut died. I think that deserves mention. "I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can't see from the center." This is one of my favorite quotes and I think it just sums up how I feel at this very moment in time. 3:43PM on a Friday afternoon before I go off to several appointments and obligations.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

talk the walk

When I had to choose a topic for my leadership paper, public apologies immediately came to mind. Everybody seems to be making them, and in increasingly public forums (ie former Italian prime minister, etc). After spending the past few hours researching, it’s rather amazing how many notable apologies have been given. What on earth is going through these people’s minds? Are they really that sorry?

The skeptic in me says, no, they’re not sorry. They’re advancing their political and business futures and need public sympathy in order to do so. Although it’s possible that some of them truly are sorry. Such a fine line. If I think about my own life, it’s hard to apologize. Apologizing means admitting you’re wrong and you want others to recognize that and forgive you for your actions. I think wanting forgiveness is a necessary component to an apology. Allegedly this is why notable apologies are public.

Saying “sorry” puts someone at risk. That person puts their reputation at stake in the hopes that a counter party will forgive them. Such an apology can be construed as a sign of weakness or incompetence, both of which are hated attributes. We’re such fragile creatures really, and apologies induce way too much vulnerability.

And then there are the apologies that lack sincerity. Sometimes you have to apologize when you don’t believe you’re wrong. Or, you know you’re wrong but you’re just not sorry. Those are the best kinds. Perhaps a better way of looking at wrong but “not sorry” is when in the future you would do the same thing again. Like sorry, officer, I promise I’ll make a full stop at the stop sign next time. Oh—there’s no right turn on red here? Whatever, simplistic, but true.

I believe that you shouldn’t waste apologies. Sort of like please and thank you. If you say these words for nearly any occasion they lack the sincerity they are meant to imply. Please and thank you are interesting examples to me. We’re taught from a young age to always say them. But honestly I feel they are excessively overused. Especially for trite occurrences it’s better to ask nicely or respond pleasantly. This is a fine line and I’m not going to beat the topic to death, but I just feel as though they’re overused. Like apologies or “I’m sorry.” Basically don’t tell me these meaningless words. Actions speak louder, so show your sorries, pleases and thank yous in your future actions.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

she took a midnight train....

Thoughts instead of working:

-I need to get graduation attire from the Co-op

-who names a color drab

-what the fuck am I doing with my life

-why didn’t I join the peace corps

-will I ever fall in love

-I really don’t want it to rain tomorrow

-Julie Roberts movie on the West Mall

-so tired of dealing with bullshit

-I should be a better person

-OJ office organized with bright blue signs

-ate too much cereal

-felt like dressing preppy today

-package slip means my mavs t-shirt is almost here

-april needs to end

-but that means it’s all over

If I could I would:

-move to another country

-eat chocolate chips in the sun

-never use an umbrella even when it pours

-buy a ticket to anywhere

-do arts & crafts for a living

-open a gallery

-speak hebrew, italian and gaelic

-be secretary of state

-learn how to fly

Favorite quote:

Let's never come here again because it will never be as much fun