with a little luck

Monday, December 11, 2006

Learning from the past....

So I started to realize (yes once again) that I will actually graduate one day and then that got me thinking about my 45% tax rate and other similarly scary thoughts. I'm really going to miss being a student and everything that comes with it. There are just so many memories--I'm trying to write them down...because basically I continuously fail to learn from experience, so here is one more try.

Bleach is dangerous and oh so very permanent

Tequila is not the same as rubbing alcohol for getting water out of ears

Green ginger tea with steamed soy milk is amazing

Where the e-bus drops off and picks up (it only took four years…)

Guys and girls cannot be friends, right?

That the best of friends will take you to the ER

It's all about who you ask, or better yet don't ask

Everyone you know will always be at Trudy's

Beware of neighbors who will tell your parents about the lingerie party you had--and the whore house that is your apartment

Don't join organizations that people will make fun of you for three years later

Being the oldest trumps being the smallest when fighting over who has to sit in the middle car seat

Happy hours are the best places to make travel plans

The smallest you will ever feel is standing next to football players on the field

If someone steals your purse, don't chase them

I will never be able to look older than 12, maybe 16

Being nice to people can randomly get you platinum status on an airline

Some things, people you'll never get over

Travelling is not a vacation, it is an experience, you will be more tired afterwards and that is ok

Everything can be eaten out of a bowl

Cars always stop when you walk in front of them

Perhaps one day I'll try posting without making a list...but probably not...when writing these things it's hard to concentrate for more than 30 seconds...which typically leads to short lines of random and disconnected ideas.


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