with a little luck

Friday, December 01, 2006

things to know

I think some things are just worth knowing...inherently part of being a better person or just interesting in their own right or at the very least fun to know. New Year's Resolutions.

What cases the Supreme Court is hearing
People's names that you meet, even if briefly
Celsius/Farenheit conversions and Miles/Km
Understand train schedules in other countries
Major points of all religions
Operas and their composers
Your city's operating budget
How to value antique furniture
Different types of coffee and why Italians won't drink milk in coffee after 11AM
Political structures of different countries
How to drive a standard
How the internet actually works (or tv for that matter or phones or radios)

On a completely unrelated note, I think it's interesting how some words or phrases stand out long after you've heard them. There's a beauty in them that causes them to continue to ring in your mind. My current phrase of the moment is "the vertical hour." It's some political play right now but it's named after the hour after someone has been shot (or something along those lines) when you still have a chance to make a difference. At least it's something along those lines--I heard it on NPR and wasn't totally paying attention. I just think it's beautiful.


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